Dr Antonio Dottore
BEc(Hons), GCert (Online Edn), PhD(BMA)
Dr Antonio Dottore has over 20 years of experience in higher education lecturing. He brings extensive industry experience in public and private sector policy, with significant international exposure, including positions at the Commonwealth Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Citibank (Sydney), INSEAD (Fontainebleau), Fidelity Investments (London), Henderson Investors (London). His research interests cover dynamic capabilities, academic entrepreneurship, and business model adaptation. Antonio has taught at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Australia, China, Singapore, and Europe. At AIHE, Antonio teaches in the areas of economics, entrepreneurship and e-Business. He serves on several governance bodies in the education and social sectors, and he conducts a current affairs program on community radio. Antonio enjoys both face-to-face and online environments and developing ideas with course participants through multiple channels.